Products & Services

ID Atlantic brings innovation to the housing and building sectors both in the UK and internationally.  We have developed a range of solutions to meet the challenges of increasing housing demand using Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) both as standalone solutions and in hybrid form with other traditional building methods.  This has required a focus on manufacturing, value engineering and design innovation to drive new innovations and applications.

We have outlined our current market offerings in terms of three products and  solutions supported by a range of specialist services:

In the future our solution set will include energy management, water management, waste management and the application of digital technologies.  These will both complement the construction solutions that exist today and create a series of additional market offerings in their own right.  Work has already commenced on innovations on the capture, storage and distribution of solar energy.

We are working with leading research and development organisations to drive greater innovation and synergy across our current and future solutions.  With our Clients and Partners we leverage cutting edge ideas and work practices that make a bigger and more sustainable difference.